The Brainerd Jaycees get the green light from local officials

Brainerd, MN—The Brainerd Jaycees Ice Fishing Extravaganza in conjunction with local officials have been closely monitoring ice conditions and are excited to announce they are satisfactory for the January 28, 2023 contest.

Chairperson Tad Johnson states, “Our first and foremost priority is to ensure the safety of all participants, volunteers, and community members. We are excited that mother nature has been on our side.” 

While ice conditions are acceptable on the contest site, the ice across Gull Lake, and many area lakes, is inconsistent. Please exercise caution when driving on the lake, and always check depths to ensure your safety. Officials request that everyone in wheelhouses leave ample room between each other, suggesting at least twenty feet between houses on the ice.

First held in 1991, this event is hailed as the world’s largest charitable ice fishing tournament; event organizers have donated over $4.3 million to charities, most notably Confidence Learning Center, in its 32‐year history. The volunteer‐run event is organized by the Brainerd Jaycees who have over 50 members contributing more than 75,000 hours and over $200k to the community annually. This family-friendly event is a great way to spend the day while having a chance at winning one of $200,000 in the process!

Contest tickets, along with raffle tickets and Catch of the Day tickets, can be purchased at Fleet Farm and local Brainerd area outlets as well as the Extravaganza website: Please visit the website or Facebook page at for the most up-to-date information and opportunities to volunteer. 

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